As I walked through the door this morning, one of my German colleagues asked, "So, how do you feel today?"
Me: "I'm fine, thanks. Why do you ask?"
Her: "You have a new President! Isn't that good?"
Me: "Yeah, sure."
Her: "You don't like him?"
Me: "I don't care."
Her: "But he is better than Bush, isn't he?"
Me: "They both have good and bad qualities."
Her: "But Obama is for fairness."
Me: "Not for me. I'm one of the one's he'll be coming after."
Her: "What do you mean?"
Me: "The poor will get more, the rich are exempted in hundreds of ways from paying for it. The middle class suckers like me are the one's who are going to pay for this. How is this good?"
Her: "But people who need help will finally be getting it."
Me: "Maybe ... maybe not. The point is, I lose in any case."
Her: "But that is surely fairer, no?"
Note to self: This one is a candidate for Betriebsbedingte Kuendigung ... it's only fair she should lose her job so that others can keep theirs.